Historical background and significance of the German body culture movement in the Early 20th Century 인문,사회과학편 : 20세기 초 독일 신체문화운동의 시대적 배경과 의의
손환HwanSon , 고은숙EunSukKo
55(2) 1-10, 2016
Historical background and significance of the German body culture movement in the Early 20th Century 인문,사회과학편 : 20세기 초 독일 신체문화운동의 시대적 배경과 의의
손환HwanSon , 고은숙EunSukKo
In this study we investigate a historical background and significance of German body culture movement (Korperkulturbewegung) that emerged in the early 20th century with attempts to challenge Christian mind-body dualism and western rationalism. The body culture movement pursued the liberation of body from the constraints of modern society and bourgeois convention and the reconciliation with nature. The notion of a modern body provoked numerous subcultures including Wandervogel movement, German dress reform movement, Naked culture, Rhythmic gymnastics and Free dance. This examination allows for identifying the following social cultural significance of the body culture. First, it establishes German national identity and builds individual and social health and fitness. Second, it awakens femininity. Third, it revitalizes bodily rhythm and free spirit. The numerous body culture movements are the product of Zeitgeist in the effort to reconcile with nature, to perceive a modern body, and to establish human identify through dance image.
Key Words
German body culture movement in the early 20th century, Wandervogel movement, German dress reform movement, Naked culture, Rhythmic gymnastics, Free dance
A Study on the Anti-Doping Communication from Niklas Luhmann`s Systems Theory, its` Limits and Tasks 인문,사회과학편 : 니클라스 루만(Niklas Luhmann)의 체계이론적 관점에서 본반-도핑 커뮤니케이션의 한계와 과제
55(2) 11-22, 2016
A Study on the Anti-Doping Communication from Niklas Luhmann`s Systems Theory, its` Limits and Tasks 인문,사회과학편 : 니클라스 루만(Niklas Luhmann)의 체계이론적 관점에서 본반-도핑 커뮤니케이션의 한계와 과제
Researcher has reviewed the diagnosis and strategies under the perspective of the Luhmann’s system theory, and has concluded the following. The existing anti-doping communication has adopted a personalization strategy, in which the causes and responsibilities of doping is attributed to persons. Therefore, the problem-solving measures are all most the individual-centered such as detection, punishment, education to enlighten. Such a strategy is not only to simplify the doping phenomenon, which is a result of the complex entanglement of the interests of the sport system and its surroundings functional systems, to a result of the individual decision-making according to free will, but also to contribute to hiding of the internal and structural problems of systems through the self-reflection blocking of sport system and its surrounding systems, and to inactivate the anti-doping efforts by imposing demand which player or trainer can not easy accept. The effective strategy for combating doping should be conceptualized and executed in all levels of problems.
Key Words
doping, anti-doping, competitive sports, Niklas Luhmann, systems theory, observation, second order observervation, constuctive perspective, communication
Investigation of the Judge`s Personal Experiences of Judgement in Aerobic Gymnastics Games 인문,사회과학편 : 에어로빅체조 경기 심판의 심사체험 구명
송종근JongKunSong , 강덕모DeukMoKang , 강유원YuWonKang
55(2) 23-34, 2016
Investigation of the Judge`s Personal Experiences of Judgement in Aerobic Gymnastics Games 인문,사회과학편 : 에어로빅체조 경기 심판의 심사체험 구명
송종근JongKunSong , 강덕모DeukMoKang , 강유원YuWonKang
This study attempted to contribute to understanding the aerobic gymnastics event by exploring its essential attribute. For this purpose, it attempted to make a phenomenological investigation of the structure of the judges`` unconscious experiences related to the judging activity in the judging domains(virtuosity, execution and difficulty) of the aerobic gymnastics game. And for the purpose of collecting data through non-participant observation and in-depth interview, it selected five domestic aerobic gymnastics judges in active service as the international judge. It attempted to analyze the obtained raw data with the use of the inductive content analysis method. As a result, the following findings were obtained: First, the gymnastics judges had the personal experience of perceiving harmony in the athlete``s performance in the judging domain of virtuosity such as the ``interaction and unification of senses``. Second, they had the experience of having the clear manifestation of the athlete``s image in contrast with the surrounding objects when gazing at the athlete``s performance in the judging domain of execution such as the ``depth of space through gaze``. Third, they had the personal experience of primary temporality in the judging domain of difficulty that the last figure of the athlete was perceived as the residual image in their sight from the beginning of difficulty performed by the athlete.
Key Words
aerobic gymnastics, judging activity, game experience, judges
Improvement Direction of Middle & High School Exercise in the Morning by IPA 인문,사회과학편 : IPA 분석을 통한 중,고등학교의 아침운동 개선방안
This study aims to observe the operation aspect of physical education during before class and further, to search for the utmost improvement direction using IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis). 500 middle & high school students have chosen through a purposeful sampling method, and 430 was used for analysis. The results were as follows. The quadrant Ⅰ is “the keep up the good work” part. And the quadrant Ⅰ includes “de-stress”, “the pleasure of school life”, “improvement in performance”, “peer relationship”, “help for P.E.”, “health promotion”, “sport facility surroundings”, “rules”, “teacher leadership”, “passionate coaching”, “fair coaching”, “improvement in exercise ability”, “understanding P.E.” The quadrant Ⅱ is “the concentrate here” part. And the quadrant Ⅱ includes “develop talent”, “excercise time”, “safety management for exercise facility”, “new sports event”, “consider needs and interests”, “consider level” “consider gender”. The quadrant Ⅲ is “the low priority” part. And the quadrant Ⅲ includes “change of personality”, “ability to do various sports event”, “develope thinking ability”. “communication with peer” “an intelligible explanation” In order to improve the quality of before classes, first, “safety connected program” second, “emotional and intellectual development program”, third, “divided classes per level and gender”, and the last, “professional manpower for developing the quality of class” are needed.
Key Words
Improvement direction, 0 hour P.E., Exercise in the morning, IPA
Exploring Physical Activity Promotion Strategies for Older Residents in a Small Town Based on Socio-ecological Model: A Mixed Method Inquiry 인문,사회과학편 : 사회생태학적 분석을 통한 중소규모 A 도시 거주 노인 신체활동 촉진전략 모색-혼합연구기법으로
55(2) 47-67, 2016
Exploring Physical Activity Promotion Strategies for Older Residents in a Small Town Based on Socio-ecological Model: A Mixed Method Inquiry 인문,사회과학편 : 사회생태학적 분석을 통한 중소규모 A 도시 거주 노인 신체활동 촉진전략 모색-혼합연구기법으로
The purpose of this study was to understand barriers and problems associated with physical activity of older adults in a small town and to provide improvement plans based on socio-ecological model. This study employed three independent phases including survey, accelerometer study, and photovoice. Three phases were analyzed based on nesting design among diverse mixed method designs. Among 134 older participants, 73 older individuals reported that their physical activity per week was less than 150min in the first phase. Among the 73 older individuals, 40 older individuals participated in the second phase. In the second phase, 32 older individuals does not meet at least 150min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity(MVPA) suggested by DHHS. Finally, 6 older adults participated in the third phase. Five major themes emerged including 1) lack of proper information and service regarding physical activity, 2)lack of support from people close to them, 3)some limits due to chronic disease, 4)lack of appropriate facility, and 5)lack of opportunity due to existing inactive lifestyle. Based on these five themes, this study attempted to provide the improvement plans with socio-ecological model.
A Comparative Study on the Real Condition of Report in Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics: Focus on South Korean and Chinese Daily Newspapers 인문,사회과학편 : 2014 소치 동계올림픽 보도 실태에 관한 비교연구: 한국과 중국의 주요 일간지를 중심으로
Wang Yi , 배재윤JaeYoonBae
55(2) 69-79, 2016
A Comparative Study on the Real Condition of Report in Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics: Focus on South Korean and Chinese Daily Newspapers 인문,사회과학편 : 2014 소치 동계올림픽 보도 실태에 관한 비교연구: 한국과 중국의 주요 일간지를 중심으로
Wang Yi , 배재윤JaeYoonBae
The purpose of this study is to research the real condition of South Korea and China’s daily newspaper for reporting and to consider its meaning by comparing the articles of these two countries’press which broadcast the Sochi Olympics in 2014. To find out the condition for both countries’ reporting, collected 540 articles were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and discussed about analysis of contents and its meaning after classified according to published page, journalists, types, subjects, the tone of articles. As a result, the papers published their articles in sports page the most, but articles was published in the front page and the general coverage. In terms of types of the articles, there were more straight articles in South Korea than in China. On the contrary, China reported commentary, analysis and columns as well as straight news articles. In both countries, journalists usually wrote articles, but more news agencies and editorialists wrote it in China than in South Korea. Subjects of the articles usually were about the matches. South Korea’s papers deal with the regional and global response. Comparing to South Korea, China considered the kind of political issue. The tone of articles were positive in both countries. Finally, the difference of South Korea and China’s articles related to olympics showed that both countries’ national characteristics should be considered.
Key Words
Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Sport Media, Real Condition of Report, South Korean and Chinese Daily Newspapers, Comparative Study
Another Challenge to Conservative Sports: Conflicts and Responses of Women Baseball Players 인문,사회과학편 : 보수적 스포츠에의 또 다른 도전: 여성야구인들의 갈등과 대응
55(2) 81-93, 2016
Another Challenge to Conservative Sports: Conflicts and Responses of Women Baseball Players 인문,사회과학편 : 보수적 스포츠에의 또 다른 도전: 여성야구인들의 갈등과 대응
This study was aimed to analyze experiences of conflicts that women confront by participating in a conservative sport, baseball, and to figure out how they cope with these conflicts. In this respect, in-depth interviews were performed targeting 18 women who have been participating in a team registered in Women``s Baseball Association for more than 1 year. Interview data went through classification of meaning and an analysis process of conceptualization and led to the following conclusion. First, the women’s conflicts from their participation in baseball activities were revealed as the conflict between workplace and leisure activity, the conflict between significant others and leisure activity(objection by family and severance of interpersonal relations), and the conflict between sociocultural prejudice and leisure activity. Second, female baseball participants’ strategies to cope with conflict situations were classified as making a group of supporters by persuasion and negotiation, active strategies(my own way and priority of life), and evasive measure(telling lies and avoidance of conflicts).
Key Words
Women baseball players, conservative sports, conflicts, responses
people who live with two wheels: MTB`s life who changed their jobs through their leisure 인문,사회과학편 : 두 바퀴 인생을 사는 사람들: 여가활동을 통해 관련 직업으로 이직한 MTB 참여자의 삶
함형석HyungSeokHam , 원영신YoungShinWon , 임성철SungChulIm
55(2) 95-110, 2016
people who live with two wheels: MTB`s life who changed their jobs through their leisure 인문,사회과학편 : 두 바퀴 인생을 사는 사람들: 여가활동을 통해 관련 직업으로 이직한 MTB 참여자의 삶
함형석HyungSeokHam , 원영신YoungShinWon , 임성철SungChulIm
The purpose of this research is to analyze and understand MTB(mountain bike) participants`` life in subcultural perspective. This research was completed by 8 people live in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon who regularly participated their activity and changed their job to MTB. Observe them by participation, in-depth interview, field notes and researcher``s daily records were methods to collect these data. To accomplish this purpose of study, I chose ethnographic Research. As a result, feeling doubt of their previous life, be caught in unique fun of MTB that made them to think MTB leisure seriously as a job, experience of its professionalism they learnt, and changed their job voluntarily were majority opinions. After they changed their job, they seems to have weisure life, more enthusiastic, got positive attitudes than before. Final conclusion of this report is ``close relationship between MTB facility and day life `` and ``tourism``s attraction brought them to change their job. This changes gave them satisfaction to their personal life. In socially, it made a large contribution for development of leisure industry by creating new jobs like MTB tour guide and MTB assemblyman.
Key Words
MTB, Leisure, Serious Leisure, Voluntary Turnover, Labortainment, Weisure, Quality of life
The Study on Classification System of Sport Culture Contents for Korea`s Cultural Competitiveness 인문,사회과학편 : 문화경쟁력 제고를 위한 스포츠 문화콘텐츠 분류체계 정립
55(2) 111-121, 2016
The Study on Classification System of Sport Culture Contents for Korea`s Cultural Competitiveness 인문,사회과학편 : 문화경쟁력 제고를 위한 스포츠 문화콘텐츠 분류체계 정립
The purpose of this study was to establish a classification systems of sport culture contents for enhancing cultural competitiveness. The main research method for this was the Delphi survey based on the literature. Through a literature review, the definition of sport cultural contents and the classification system of major industrial countries were analyzed. The Delphi survey by a panel of 25 was conducted over a two-round. The results were as follows: first, the sport culture contents includes an artistic creativity, which have a working form that enables delivery to the public and organizing sports activities, and classify as a technology for high value-added content and services. Second, the ‘culture’ for the large category item, which include the cultural heritage and culture art. The ‘media’ recognize the importance of temporal concepts with traditional media and it was classified as new media. In the case of items in the large category ‘events’ are classified as national and international sporting events and festivals, the ‘services’ main category item is divided into social, care, educational services. Finally, the ‘others’ includes such as copyrighted items.
Key Words
culture contents, sport culture contents, classification system, sport, cultural competitiveness
Researching Sport Parenting in the Sociology of Sport: Current Status and Suggestions 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠양육의 스포츠사회학적 연구현황과 제언
김방출BangChoolKim , 권순용SunYongKwon
55(2) 123-134, 2016
Researching Sport Parenting in the Sociology of Sport: Current Status and Suggestions 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠양육의 스포츠사회학적 연구현황과 제언
김방출BangChoolKim , 권순용SunYongKwon
This paper aims to review the current status of sport parenting research and to provide future suggestions for expanding our understandings of sport parenting. While parenting in sport has been an emerging social phenomenon worth comprehensive academic investigations, there has been relatively concentrated focus of areas on psychological aspects of sport parenting. As such, sociological research has been largely overlooked. This paper first offers a conceptual discussion about sport parenting and its association with socialization research, provides a selective review of existing literature, and suggests sociological research agendas.
Key Words
sport socialization, parents, parenting, sport sociology
Relationship among Arousal Seeking, Exercise Addiction and Life Satisfaction of Participants in Cross-fit. 인문,사회과학편 : 크로스핏 참여자의 각성추구성향과 운동중독 및 생활만족의 관계
이기표KiPyoLee , 유미경MiKyungRyu , 윤용진YongJinYoon
55(2) 135-146, 2016
Relationship among Arousal Seeking, Exercise Addiction and Life Satisfaction of Participants in Cross-fit. 인문,사회과학편 : 크로스핏 참여자의 각성추구성향과 운동중독 및 생활만족의 관계
이기표KiPyoLee , 유미경MiKyungRyu , 윤용진YongJinYoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among arousal seeking, exercise addiction, and life satisfaction for cross-fit participants. The subjects of this study were cross-fit participants in cross-fit box in Seoul and Daejeon and total 254 samples were used for actual analysis. Then data were analyzed through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, path analysis and sobel test. The results of the study were as follow. First, novelty seeking of arousal seeking has a positive influence on compulsiveness of exercise addiction, and thrill seeking of arousal seeking has a positive influence on conflict of exercise addiction, and a negative influence on withdrawal, attachment, tolerance of exercise addiction. Second, thrill seeking of arousal seeking has a positive influence on life satisfaction. Third, attachment of exercise addiction has a positive influence on life satisfaction, and withdrawal and tolerance of exercise addiction has a negative influence on life satisfaction. Fourth, exercise addiction mediated between thrill seeking of arousal seeking and life satisfaction.
Key Words
cross-fit, arousal seeking, exercise addiction, life satisfaction
The Availability of Quiet Eye Training as a Strategy to Improve the Function of Aiming Movements 인문,사회과학편 : 조준운동 기능의 향상을 위한 전략으로서 QE 훈련의 활용 가능성
55(2) 147-156, 2016
The Availability of Quiet Eye Training as a Strategy to Improve the Function of Aiming Movements 인문,사회과학편 : 조준운동 기능의 향상을 위한 전략으로서 QE 훈련의 활용 가능성
This study examined the availability of quiet eye (QE) training based theoretical and empirical grounds in order to improve the function of various aiming movements. QE, a concept suggested by Vickers(1996a), has been adopted as an objective measure of visual motor control in a number of studies. The onset of the QE occurs before the critical phase of the motor task and the offset occurs when the final fixation deviates off the target by more than 3° of the visual angle for more than 100 ms. In many aiming movements, research has found that QE enables elites to perform better than novices regardless of the characteristics of the task, and the intervention by QE training was found to be effective in not only pretests and posttests but also retention tests and transfer tests. The QE period encourages a performer to pay direct attention to a target, which helps in limiting attention dispersion and carrying out the aiming task, and allows for restricting the stimulus-driven attentional system and operating the goal-directed system in high anxiety conditions. It also results in better performance by directing the external focus of attention to the most relevant task or environment. Therefore, QE can be the optimal gaze control strategy for accurate and effective motor task performance as well as an innovative exercise intervention method.
An Study on Legal Rights and Obligation of Taekwondo Instructor for Disabled-Focusing on the Death Case of the Disabled Taekwondo Trainee 인문,사회과학편 : 장애인 대상 태권도 지도자의 권리와 의무에 관한 연구 -태권도 수련 장애인 사망 사고를 중심으로
정태린TaeRinChung , 김지태JiTaeKim
55(2) 157-166, 2016
An Study on Legal Rights and Obligation of Taekwondo Instructor for Disabled-Focusing on the Death Case of the Disabled Taekwondo Trainee 인문,사회과학편 : 장애인 대상 태권도 지도자의 권리와 의무에 관한 연구 -태권도 수련 장애인 사망 사고를 중심으로
정태린TaeRinChung , 김지태JiTaeKim
This is a case study which was analyzed a death case of a Disabled trainee during a Taekwondo training camp with a term of ‘Medical Treatment’. Medical treatment is only allowed to eligible person who passed proper education program by governments. In other words, when inappropriate person, like Taekwondo instructor, for medical care did such cure-actions for medical treatment, the whole process and actions turns to tort immediately. In case of Disabled trainees, they are required higher level attention rather than not Disabled. Therefore, if the trainees were died by illegal medical treatment of Taekwondo instructor, such as violence, these actions are also must be considered as torts. Based on the same weighing of offense with ordinary persons these possibly be regarded as an arrogation. On these theoretical backgrounds, three results were deducted. First, several arrogations regarding medical treatment and Taekwondo instruction as torts were discovered. Second, additional punishment system is required in case of the victims are Disabled. Third, present Taekwondo instructor education program for Disabled needs to revise with an issue of Disabled as the central figure.
Key Words
Legal Responsibility, Obligation, Taekwondo, Sport Law, Disabled Taekwondo Trainee
Relationship among Controlling Coach Behaviors, Burnout and Perceived Performance of High School Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 운동선수가 지각하는 통제적 코칭행동과 탈진 및 인지된 경기력의 관계
55(2) 167-179, 2016
Relationship among Controlling Coach Behaviors, Burnout and Perceived Performance of High School Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 운동선수가 지각하는 통제적 코칭행동과 탈진 및 인지된 경기력의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among controlling coach behaviors, burnout and perceived performance of high school athletes. Through convenience sampling method, selected 366 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from physical education high school athletes. With the collected data stepwise regression analysis were performed by SPSS 18.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the negative conditional regard impacts positively(+) influence on emotional exhaustion, and the intimidation impacts positively(+) influence on depersonalization. And the negative conditional regard impacts positively(+) influence on reduced personal accomplishment. Second, the controlling use of reward impacts positively(+), but negative conditional regard impacts negatively(-) influence on perceived performance. Third, the emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment impacts positively(+), but depersonalization impacts negatively(-) influence on perceived performance. The controlling coach behaviors had an influence on burnout and perceived performance of high school athletes, and the burnout had an influence on perceived performance.
Key Words
controlling coach behaviors, burnout, perceived performance, high school athletes
Development and Validation of Teacher`s Caring Scale Based on Students` Perception in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 학생이 인식하는 교사의 배려 척도 개발 및 타당성
오중근JoongGeunOh , 신기철KiCheolShin
55(2) 181-191, 2016
Development and Validation of Teacher`s Caring Scale Based on Students` Perception in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 학생이 인식하는 교사의 배려 척도 개발 및 타당성
오중근JoongGeunOh , 신기철KiCheolShin
This study aimed to develop the scales on the determinants of the teacher``s caring through the student``s eyes in physical education classes and examine its validity. The preliminary scale which was developed by the pilot study was distributed for collecting data. 666 middle school students were sampled for this study. The developed scale was examined through the reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. As a result, the teacher``s caring scale was finally developed into 23 items under a total of 5 component categories including .careful., .consistency., .safety., .embrace., and .fairness.. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the validity of this factor structure by showing acceptable fit indices.
A Biographical Research on a Practice Professor of Athletics: Growing process from a student athletic to a professor 인문,사회과학편 : 체육실기교수의 생애사 연구: 학생선수에서 교수자로의 성장과정
55(2) 193-209, 2016
A Biographical Research on a Practice Professor of Athletics: Growing process from a student athletic to a professor 인문,사회과학편 : 체육실기교수의 생애사 연구: 학생선수에서 교수자로의 성장과정
The purpose of this study was to understand the meaning of a practice professor``s life in athletics and holistically analyze various educational meanings and values appearing in his life through biographical approach. For this purpose, this study conducted a biographical research which is one method of qualitative research on a university practice professor of athletics major who has grown from a student athlete to an elite athlete professor. Domain analysis and classification analysis were performed on the data collected through in-depth interview and document materials. In addition, veracity and ethicality of the study was secured in the process of data collection and analysis. Results of analysis and interpretation of collected data are as follows; first, in order to carry out both excellent athletic and academic performance at the same time, the practice professor of athletics has maintained rigorous self-management and unique behaviors of his own. Second, the practice professor of athletics chose the way of instructor around the time when he quit athletic career and overcame whatever hardship and adversity confronting him with integrity and passion. Then, he devoted himself to academic pursuit to achieve his dream of becoming a professor. Third, there have been four mentors in the life of the practice professor of athletics. They have been dedicated for his goal and worked as the guiding light for his life. The professor of athletics emphasized the importance of having mentor who can lead students to their goals.
Key Words
Practice professor of athletics, Students athletic, Growing process, Biographical research
Understanding the Policy Making Process of School Physical Education in National level 인문,사회과학편 : 국가수준 학교체육정책 수립의 형성과정 이해
진연경YeonKyungJin , 유정애JeongAeYou
55(2) 211-225, 2016
Understanding the Policy Making Process of School Physical Education in National level 인문,사회과학편 : 국가수준 학교체육정책 수립의 형성과정 이해
진연경YeonKyungJin , 유정애JeongAeYou
School physical education policy in a national level should have been established with systematic and collaborative policy making process, because the policy has been significantly impacted on all school levels. Even if there exists this important role of the school physical education policy, little attention is given to understand how the policy making process of school physical education in the national level is being established. Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand the policy making process of school physical education policy in national level for 10 years. For doing this, data are collected using the documents of Ministry of Education(MOE) and 13 in-depth interviews with the main policy executers and physical education teachers. The formation process of school physical education policy has been addressed three stages such as the constructed stage, the issued stage, and legitimized stage. During three stages, it is founded that the role of Ministry of Education is the most influential. On the other hand, the iron triangle that has been indicated in the policy making process in other areas is not addressed in school physical education policy making process, because there are not negotiation and needs of interest groups or institutions in school physical education. That is, the school physical education policy making has been established and implemented within the absolute power of MOE, and with collaboration of MOE, Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education, and a group of experts.
Key Words
school physical education, policy making process, national level
Korean-type conduct sports clubs and effects of the Korea Science Academy of KAIST 인문,사회과학편 : KAIST부설 한국과학영재학교의 한국형 스포츠클럽 운영 및 효과
정성우SungWooJung , 오세복SeaBockOh
55(2) 227-242, 2016
Korean-type conduct sports clubs and effects of the Korea Science Academy of KAIST 인문,사회과학편 : KAIST부설 한국과학영재학교의 한국형 스포츠클럽 운영 및 효과
정성우SungWooJung , 오세복SeaBockOh
This study examined the impact on the Korean sports clubs affiliated operations Korea Science Academy of KAIST students recognized. 238 students by 2012. 9. 8 subjects (sat) 2013. 12. 6 (fir), 16:10 ~ 18:00 for two or three times a week academic calendar 15 months, taking into account the non-football school events the 15 sports were operating. Expert meetings, open-ended questions to ensure the validity and reliability of the study, in-depth interviews, diaries and sports clubs to verify the effects before and after the Korean sports clubs through participant observation was drawn the following conclusions. Firstly, showed that Korean high school sports clubs and participation than satisfaction. Second, unlike previous studies that showed differences statistically academic achievement of Korean sports clubs and participation is not concerned about the academic improved degradation due to the participation of Korean sports clubs were not too mean of .07. Third, the Korean sports clubs and participation than academic pressure, peer relationships, stress was reduced to the challenges and results. Fourthly, Korean sports clubs and social change``ve found that you are not aware of the change in the average of .16 is considered as significant change. Finally, sports activities than participate after the Korean sports clubs (economic methods for each event, and conventions understanding, compliance, enhancements, etc.) positive awareness change is shown Korean sports Korea Science Academy of KAIST students through clubs operate on It is expected to increase the satisfaction and understanding of the school and sports activities to relieve stress.
Key Words
physical education class, Korea Science Academy of KAIST, Korean Sports Club, Mathematics and Science Academy
A Qualitative Case Study on Core Competencies of Student Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 학생선수의 핵심역량 탐색을 위한 질적사례 연구
차은주EunJooCha , 손환HwanSon
55(2) 243-258, 2016
A Qualitative Case Study on Core Competencies of Student Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 학생선수의 핵심역량 탐색을 위한 질적사례 연구
차은주EunJooCha , 손환HwanSon
This study attempted to analyze core competency factors in student athletes in order to effectively support their movement and learning. For this, a depth interview was conducted of 10 student athletes excellent in exercises and academic achievement and the data collected through the consultation with experts were analyzed inductively. As a result, core competency factors of the student athletes were derived into 6 factors (time and effort to make me competencies, awareness and commitment to me competencies, my future career design competencies, my surroundings and communicate with empathy competencies, my understanding of the community and share competencies, and my creative strategies and applications competencies). In addition, time and effort to make me competencies accounted for the largest share among the core competencies, and time and effort to make me was focused on career. Microscopically, the results will be used as the basis of the diagnostic tools development to explore the capabilities of the student athletes, to define their core competencies, and to measure their core competencies; macroscopically, these results will provide a direction about the establishment of the academic support policy for the students and be a basic data to establish the foundation.
Experience Meaning Analysis to Marine leisure sports professionals 인문,사회과학편 : 해양레저스포츠 종사자의 체험 의미 분석
최미영MiYoungChoi , 정문현MoonHyunJung
55(2) 259-267, 2016
Experience Meaning Analysis to Marine leisure sports professionals 인문,사회과학편 : 해양레저스포츠 종사자의 체험 의미 분석
최미영MiYoungChoi , 정문현MoonHyunJung
This study aims to investigate the process of experience and its meaning for marine leisure sports professionals. This paper proposes a positive implication to foster marine leisure sports by providing materials with a better understanding. For this study, four professionals working for T marine leisure sports company located at Y beach were selected with a purposeful sampling method. The data was collected by a focus group interview and analyzed by data analysis provided by Dey(1993) and followings are the results from the investigation. First, professionals working for marine leisure sports are fascinated by the ocean and get to know the nature through the ocean and experience the marine leisure sports. Second, marine leisure sports professionals become confident in what they are doing and transform themselves through cooperation and communication with fellow workers. Third, they put marine leisure sports management into practice and expand their lifetime opportunities by designing their own future.
Key Words
Marine Leisure Sports, Marine Leisure Sports professionals, Experiential Meaning
Service Value Innovation Strategy for Ski-Resort: focusing on the Customers`Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스가치 혁신전략: 참여자의 관여도를 중심으로
신선윤SunYunShin , 박상현SangHyunPark
55(2) 269-285, 2016
Service Value Innovation Strategy for Ski-Resort: focusing on the Customers`Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스가치 혁신전략: 참여자의 관여도를 중심으로
신선윤SunYunShin , 박상현SangHyunPark
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the ski resort service value and customer satisfaction factors and propose a segmentalized ski-resort management strategies through the moderating effect of involvement. And this basis, by utilizing the method of analyzing service value chain model to be specifically analyzed value drivers of the service in the relationship between the factors and customer satisfaction value of the service. Data were collected from 279 visitors of ski-resort for empirical analysis. Techniques used in analysing data were frequency analysis, reliability analysis, EFA, CFA, Moderated Regression analysis by employing the SPSS WIN Ver. 21.0 and AMOS 20.0. The result was as follow: First, among the service value factors, traffic, quality of slope, employee service, cost have significantly a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Second, involvement had a moderating effect between service value factors(quality of slope, employee) and customer satisfaction. To achieve a new customer value, it is necessary to develop innovative service value of a new form through collaboration with fusion details active region delimited by the value chain. And management innovation through a reduction in the overlapping part of the supportive activities and primary activities were required.
Key Words
ski-resort, service value, value chain analysis, service value chain
The Relationship Among Attributes of Sport Event, Participation Satisfaction and Continues Participating Intention of Masters Swimming Competition 인문,사회과학편 : 마스터즈 수영대회의 이벤트속성과 이벤트만족, 참여지속의사의 관계
김범BumKim , 박선기SunKiPark , 주형철HyungChulJoo
55(2) 287-300, 2016
The Relationship Among Attributes of Sport Event, Participation Satisfaction and Continues Participating Intention of Masters Swimming Competition 인문,사회과학편 : 마스터즈 수영대회의 이벤트속성과 이벤트만족, 참여지속의사의 관계
김범BumKim , 박선기SunKiPark , 주형철HyungChulJoo
The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship among attributes of sport event, participations satisfaction and continues participating intention. The subject of the study were 255 questionnaires who participate masters swimming competition event and data analysis used for SEM analysis and sobel test for mediated effect. The results were as follows: first, the sub.factors of attribute of sport event of topicality and interest had a positive effect on continues participating intention. Second, the sub.factors of attribute of sport event of topicality, interest, accessibility, and creativity had a positive effect on participation satisfaction. Third, participation satisfaction had a positive effect on continues participating intention. Fourth, participation satisfaction had mediated effect between the sub.factors of attribute of sport event of topicality, interest, and accessibility) and continues participating intention.
Key Words
masters swimming competition, attributes of sport event, participation satisfaction, continues participating intention
Classification of Black Consumers in Taekwondo Gyms and Search for Countermeasures Using the CIT 인문,사회과학편 : 결정적 사건기법(CIT)을 이용한 태권도장 블랙컨슈머의 유형분류 및 대응방안 모색
이미연MiYeonLee , 전익기IkKiJeon
55(2) 301-319, 2016
Classification of Black Consumers in Taekwondo Gyms and Search for Countermeasures Using the CIT 인문,사회과학편 : 결정적 사건기법(CIT)을 이용한 태권도장 블랙컨슈머의 유형분류 및 대응방안 모색
이미연MiYeonLee , 전익기IkKiJeon
Under the judgment that taekwondo gyms are not exceptions on the issue of black consumers, a recent social problem occurring in various businesses, this study conducted a research on 306 taekwondo gym owners. This study applied the Critical Incident Technique as a research method that could have researchers collecting very detailed critical data and giving practical insights to the practitioners. The CIT is one of the qualitative research methods that collects the incidents influencing critically to the result of a human activity and develops a category system at the detailed level based on human behaviors. This study examined the cases of black consumers that the respondents experienced, how they handled them, and countermeasures to deal with black consumers using the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Also, it focused on finding out the characteristics of black consumers. The results was as follows. First, 273 words were extracted as the key words related to black consumers in taekwondo gyms. These were classified into 10 types: money problems, injuries, car problems, complaints about programs, unreasonable demands, complaints about management, responsibilities for character education, ignoring instructor’s personality, taekwondo gym’s loss of nature, and the use of the SNS. Secondly, 281 words were extracted as the key words for the experience of handling black consumers in taekwondo gyms. These were categorized into 10 types: financial compensation, acceptance of requests, apology, sticking to the principle, getting other’s help, ongoing consultation, devising follow-up measures, legal procedures, ignorance, and expulsion from the gym. Lastly, 129 words were extracted as the key words for the countermeasures to handle black consumers in taekwondo gyms. They were categorized into 6 types: improving instructor’s awareness, enhancing expertise, establishing principles of the gym, building organizations for response, forming bonds with students’ parents, and sharing information.
Key Words
Critical Incident Technique, CIT, Taekwondo gym, black consumers
The Structural Relationship among the Sponsorship Activities, Sponsors` Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase Intention on Sports Event Official Sponsors: Focus on 2014 Incheon Asian Game 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 이벤트 공식후원사의 스폰서십 활동과 브랜드 자산 및 구매의도 간의 구조적 관계: 2014 인천아시안게임을 중심으로
박주호JuHoPark , 조광민KwangMinCho , 장원용WonYongJang
55(2) 321-335, 2016
The Structural Relationship among the Sponsorship Activities, Sponsors` Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase Intention on Sports Event Official Sponsors: Focus on 2014 Incheon Asian Game 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 이벤트 공식후원사의 스폰서십 활동과 브랜드 자산 및 구매의도 간의 구조적 관계: 2014 인천아시안게임을 중심으로
박주호JuHoPark , 조광민KwangMinCho , 장원용WonYongJang
The study focused on the structural relationships among Sponsorship Activities, Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase Intention on sports events. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, mediating effect and moderating effect. Out of the 540 questionnaires distributed, 498 were collected and finally analyzed as completes. The results of analysis are follows. First, sponsorship activities had a positive effect on brand equity. Secondly, brand equity had a positive effect on purchase intention. Third, sponsorship activities had a positive effect on purchase intention. Fourth, brand equity mediates between sponsorship activities and purchase intention. Lastly, differences of path coefficients between sponsorship activities and purchase intention, brand equity and purchase intention were statistically significant according to sex.
Difference in satisfaction with instruction style according to fitness center members` DISC behavioral style 인문,사회과학편 : 휘트니스센터 회원의 DISC행동유형에 따른 지도방식에 대한 만족의 차이
서주연JuYeonSeo , 김수잔SuSanKim
55(2) 337-347, 2016
Difference in satisfaction with instruction style according to fitness center members` DISC behavioral style 인문,사회과학편 : 휘트니스센터 회원의 DISC행동유형에 따른 지도방식에 대한 만족의 차이
서주연JuYeonSeo , 김수잔SuSanKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the difference in satisfaction with instruction style according to fitness center members`` DISC behavioral style. In order to achieve this purpose, a total of 250 members with at least 10 personal training experiences were selected as study participants from seven commercial fitness centers in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas using the convenience sampling method. Instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, and descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, LSD post hoc comparison and multiple regression analysis were conducted using the SPSS/PC+ 21.0 version statistical package program. The following are the results: dominating(D) members showed difference in satisfaction with goal-oriented, intimacy-oriented, relationship-oriented instruction style, and Influencing(I) members showed difference in satisfaction with kinship-oriented instruction style, Also, steady(S) members showed difference in satisfaction with goaloriented, systematic instruction style, but conscientious(C) members showed no difference.
Key Words
fitness center, DISC behavioral style, instructor style
Structural Relationships among Attributes of experience space, Hedonic, Utilitarian, and Tourism Satisfaction of Ski Resort 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트의 체험공간속성이 이용객의 쾌락성 및 유용성과 관광만족에 미치는 영향
Structural Relationships among Attributes of experience space, Hedonic, Utilitarian, and Tourism Satisfaction of Ski Resort 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트의 체험공간속성이 이용객의 쾌락성 및 유용성과 관광만족에 미치는 영향
This study aimed to the effect of the attributes of the experience space on the hedonic, the utilitarian, and the tourism satisfaction of users. To achieve this objective, 713 ski resort users were surveyed from the domestic ski resorts of D, Y, J and M from January 2015 to February 2015. The data collected were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19 programs. It was found that there wew causal relationships among the experience space attributes, the hedonic, utilitarian, the tourism satisfaction, and the re-visit intention of the ski resort users. The space conformity and accessibility out of the experience space attributes gave positive impact on the hedonic, utilitarian and the tourism satisfaction. The facility convenience gave an impact on the tourism satisfaction and the hedonic gave an impact on the tourism satisfaction. The tourism satisfaction gave an impact on the re-visit intention. In conclusion, the attributes of experience space had an effect on the hedonic, utilitarian, and tourism satisfaction of users and the tourism satisfaction had an effect on the re-visit intention. The result of this study could be as useful information for marketing planning, tour programs, and experience program of winter sports.
Key Words
ski resort, attributes of the experience space, hedonic, utilitarian, tourism satisfaction
The Relationship Among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Consumption Behavior of Professional Baseball Team Smart Phone Application: The Moderating Role of Flow 인문,사회과학편 : 프로구단의 스마트폰 애플리케이션 서비스품질, 고객만족, 소비행동 간의 관계: Flow의 조절효과
신동일DongIlShin , 김동규DongKyuKim , 한진욱JinWookHan
55(2) 361-376, 2016
The Relationship Among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Consumption Behavior of Professional Baseball Team Smart Phone Application: The Moderating Role of Flow 인문,사회과학편 : 프로구단의 스마트폰 애플리케이션 서비스품질, 고객만족, 소비행동 간의 관계: Flow의 조절효과
신동일DongIlShin , 김동규DongKyuKim , 한진욱JinWookHan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and consumption behavior of professional baseball team smart phone application users and the moderating effect of flow between customer satisfaction and consumption behavior. Toward this end, a total of 212 professional baseball game spectators and internet community members was selected using a convenient sampling method and responded to a survey questionnaire. 187 usable data were utilized in the data analysis procedure, and the results of this study are as follows. Firstly, information, design, usability, and empathy of service quality sub-dimensions of the service quality construct had significant effects on customer satisfaction. Secondly, customer satisfaction had a statistically significant impact on consumption behavior. Thirdly, it was found that flow had a moderating effect on the relationship between customer satisfaction and consumption behavior. More specifically the impact of customer satisfaction on consumption behavior was significantly stronger for the low flow experience group than for the high flow experience group.
Key Words
smart phone application, professional baseball team, service quality, customer satisfaction, consumption behavior, flow
A Causal Relationships among Broadcasting Quality, Viewers Satisfaction, TV Station`s Image, and Channel Loyalty on TV Baseball Highlights 인문,사회과학편 : TV프로야구 하이라이트 프로그램의 중계방송 품질 요인과 시청만족, 방송사이미지 그리고 채널충성도 간의 구조적 관계
55(2) 377-391, 2016
A Causal Relationships among Broadcasting Quality, Viewers Satisfaction, TV Station`s Image, and Channel Loyalty on TV Baseball Highlights 인문,사회과학편 : TV프로야구 하이라이트 프로그램의 중계방송 품질 요인과 시청만족, 방송사이미지 그리고 채널충성도 간의 구조적 관계
The Purpose of this study was to present baseline data which will contribute on setting up effective marketing plan using broadcasting quality by confirming the variables in viewers channel loyalty on TV baseball highlights. Subject of study consists of Jamsil baseball stadium visitors in Seoul who have watched TV baseball highlights. Total 450 questionnaires were distributed, although except 34 questionnaires, 416 questionnaires were granted as final validity sample. For data analysis PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for demographic analysis, exploratory analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory analysis, correlation analysis and structure equation modeling analysis. The results are as follow. First, ‘caster’, ‘reflex’, ‘viewers participation’, and ‘relay status’ positively influenced viewers satisfaction. Second, viewers satisfaction positively influenced TV station``s image. Third, viewers satisfaction positively influenced channel loyalty. Fourth, TV station``s image positively influenced channel loyalty.
Key Words
Baseball, Broadcasting Quality, Satisfaction, TV Station`s Image, Channel Loyalty
From MDGs to SDGs: The Conceptual Definition of Sport for Development (SFD) Movement and Advanced Strategies for SFD Program 인문,사회과학편 : From MDGs to SDGs: 개발을 위한 스포츠(SFD) 운동에 대한 개념적 정의와 SFD 프로그램 분석을 통한 선진화 방안
하재필JaePilHa , 하제현JaeHyunHa
55(2) 393-402, 2016
From MDGs to SDGs: The Conceptual Definition of Sport for Development (SFD) Movement and Advanced Strategies for SFD Program 인문,사회과학편 : From MDGs to SDGs: 개발을 위한 스포츠(SFD) 운동에 대한 개념적 정의와 SFD 프로그램 분석을 통한 선진화 방안
하재필JaePilHa , 하제현JaeHyunHa
Since the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) was adopted by the United Nations at 2000, "Sport For Development(SFD) Movement" has been widespread around the world. With this circumstance, several institutions and organizations under the Korean government also actively runs SFD programs. However, there is still a lack of understanding for the concept of SFD Movement. Hence, with the establishment of conceptual definition of SFD Movement, this study examines if recent SFD programs operating (or operated) in South Korea fit well with the direction of SFD Movement that international society seeks. In addition, this study attempts to suggest developmental strategies for future SFD movement in South Korea. According to this study, South Korea``s SFD Movement direction was completely different from that of international society by predominantly focusing on "development of sport" perspective rather than "development through sport" perspective. In addition, this study suggested that cooperation with related institutions, improvement of content quality for SFD program through the establishment of its long-term plan, and identifying development needs of recipient countries are key strategies for the development of future SFD programs in South Korea.
Key Words
sport for development, development of sport, development through sport, SDGs, MDGs
Structural Relationship Among Emotional Responses, Brand Attitudes, and Behavior Intentions on Disabled Athlete Model in Sports Advertisement 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠브랜드광고의 장애인선수모델 선정에 대한 감정반응, 브랜드태도 및 행동의도와의 구조적 관계
Structural Relationship Among Emotional Responses, Brand Attitudes, and Behavior Intentions on Disabled Athlete Model in Sports Advertisement 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠브랜드광고의 장애인선수모델 선정에 대한 감정반응, 브랜드태도 및 행동의도와의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among emotional responses, brand attitudes, and behavior intentions of customers on the disabled athlete model in sports advertisement. 280 college students participated in the survey and 261 data were analyzed in this study. To test the hypotheses, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model and Bootstrapping were used. The finding of this study were as follows: Frist, using by advertising of disabled athlete model emotional response was found to have an impact on brand attitude. Second, using by advertising of disabled athlete model emotional response was not found to have an impact on behavior intention. Third, brand attitude was found to have an impact on behavior intention. Forth, brand attitude was also found to have a mediation effect on between emotional response and behavior intention.
Key Words
Disabled Athlete Model, emotional responses, brand attitudes, and behavior intentions
The Influence of Sensation Seeking, Leisure Satisfaction and Behavior Intention of Participants in Open Water Swimming: Centered on the Sea and Han River Cross, Survival Swimming 인문,사회과학편 : 국민생활체육 Open Water 수영참가자들의 감각추구성향이 여가만족과 행동의도에 미치는 영향: 바다,한강도강 참여자, 생존수영을 중심으로
이양주YangJooLee , 김범BoumKim
55(2) 417-431, 2016
The Influence of Sensation Seeking, Leisure Satisfaction and Behavior Intention of Participants in Open Water Swimming: Centered on the Sea and Han River Cross, Survival Swimming 인문,사회과학편 : 국민생활체육 Open Water 수영참가자들의 감각추구성향이 여가만족과 행동의도에 미치는 영향: 바다,한강도강 참여자, 생존수영을 중심으로
이양주YangJooLee , 김범BoumKim
The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of sensation seeking, leisure satisfaction and behavior intention of participants in open water swimming. Through convenience sampling method, selected 315 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from open water swimming. With the collected data, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were performed by SPSSWIN 18.0. The analysis results are as follows. First, the participant degree showed significantly difference on sensation seeking, leisure satisfaction and behavior intention. Second, thrill and adventure seeking and experience seeking had positive effect of their leisure satisfaction. On the other hand, disinhibition had negative effect on their leisure satisfaction. Third, experience seeking had positive effect of their behavior intention. On the other hand, disinhibition and boredom susceptibility had negative effect on their word-of-mouth intention. Fourth, leisure satisfaction had positive effect of their behavior intention. Fifth, the leisure satisfaction mediated relationship between sensation seeking and behavior intention.
Key Words
open water swimming, sensation seeking, leisure satisfaction, behavior intention
Qualitative Inquiry for Living and Studying Process of Doctoral Students in Sport Studies 인문,사회과학편 : 체육학전공 박사과정생의 삶과 수학과정에 대한 질적 탐구
권일권IlKwonKwon , 석부길BooGilSeok
55(2) 433-445, 2016
Qualitative Inquiry for Living and Studying Process of Doctoral Students in Sport Studies 인문,사회과학편 : 체육학전공 박사과정생의 삶과 수학과정에 대한 질적 탐구
권일권IlKwonKwon , 석부길BooGilSeok
The purpose of this study was to explore a theoretical modeling for living and studying process of doctoral student in sport studies by using grounded theory approach. To attain the goal, the researcher selected 7 doctoral students who affiliated doctoral program and conducts research using theoretical sampling method. The analysis of the data was produced based on the observation reliability of 3 independent researchers who has professor of sport studies and qualitative research expert. The results based on in-depth interviews were as follows. First, the learning way of casual conditions were introduction to accidental and intentional. Second, social and environmental stimulation of contexts were professor’s advice, unemployment crisis, social atmosphere. Third, to falling into the learning way of phenomena were established as a professional researcher, inherent and financial compensation, professional charm. Fourth, burden of sustained academic of intervening conditions were the pressures of the process, financial burdens, mental distress, anxiety of future, interpersonal constraints. Fifth, establishment of target and developing research method of interactions were target consciousness, look back on me, my own research method. Sixth, doctoral student to settle down of results were sense of accomplishment, energy of life, body of knowledge, and romance about the future.
Key Words
doctoral student, sport studies, qualitative inquiry, studying process
Teaching system and methods of Chen Style Taichichuan in Chinese: Problems and Alternative plan 인문,사회과학편 : 중국에서 진식태극권의 전수체계 문제와 개선방안
55(2) 447-455, 2016
Teaching system and methods of Chen Style Taichichuan in Chinese: Problems and Alternative plan 인문,사회과학편 : 중국에서 진식태극권의 전수체계 문제와 개선방안
The purpose of this study was inquiry to problems and alternative plan of teaching system and methods of Chen Style Tai-chi-chuan in Chinese. As a result, too much of blind economic pursuit happened to end up in a lack of cultural and spiritual aspects of Tai Chi. Therefore, not only the mentoring system that can respond to the development of society must be established, but as well the mentoring methods to teach the traditional culture that can also meet the needs of the times. Tai Chi of the Chen school, as a precious intangible cultural heritage in human society, must improve itself to adapt to the development of society through constant reforms and efforts. At the same time, it should focus on traditional cultural essence of human traditions. Lastly, it must make best use of school education, public education and Tai Chi games to proceed to pass down the Tai Chi to ensure the continuity of Chen style Tai-chi-chuan tradition well.
The relationship among golf affinity members` participant motivation, participation satisfaction, leisure satisfaction and continuance intention 인문,사회과학편 : 골프동호인들의 골프시합 참여동기와 참여만족, 여가만족, 지속의사와의 관계연구
김동현DongHyunKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
55(2) 457-466, 2016
The relationship among golf affinity members` participant motivation, participation satisfaction, leisure satisfaction and continuance intention 인문,사회과학편 : 골프동호인들의 골프시합 참여동기와 참여만족, 여가만족, 지속의사와의 관계연구
김동현DongHyunKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among golf affinity members`` participant motivation, participation satisfaction, leisure satisfaction and continuance intention. The subjects were selected by amateur golf members who had participated in amateur golf competition by using convenience sampling method. A total of 400 samples were distributed and 357 usable data were finally conducted. Frequency analysis, and reliability analysis were tested by using SPSS 14.0, and confirmatory factor analysis, corelation analysis, and SEM by using AMOS 7.0. The results of this study were as follows. First, internal and external motivation at golf affinity members`` participant motivation had effect on participation satisfaction. Second, internal and external motivation at golf affinity members`` participant motivation had effect on leisure satisfaction. Third, internal and external motivation at golf affinity members`` participant motivation had effect on continuance intention. Fourth, golf affinity members`` participation satisfaction had effect on continuance intention. Fifth, golf affinity members`` leisure satisfaction had effect on continuance intention.
The Relationship between Leisure Facilitators and Leisure Constraint Negotiation of Under Graduate Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생들의 여가촉진과 여가제약협상의 관계
55(2) 467-476, 2016
The Relationship between Leisure Facilitators and Leisure Constraint Negotiation of Under Graduate Students 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생들의 여가촉진과 여가제약협상의 관계
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between leisure facilitators and leisure constraint negotiation of under graduate students. The study conducted a research survey through convenient sampling method aimed at under graduate students of 3 universities located in Seoul. 350 questionnaires distributed and 323 were selected as final valid sample. Then data were analyzed through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Window ver 18.0. The results were as follows. First, Intrapersonal facilitators of leisure facilitators had positive effect on interpersonal relations, improving finance and time management, controlling intensity, and changing leisure aspiration of leisure constraint negotiation. Second, Structural facilitators of leisure facilitators had positive influence on all factors of leisure constraint negotiation. Third, Interpersonal facilitators of leisure facilitators had positive effect on interpersonal relations, skills acquisition, controlling intensity of leisure constraint negotiation.
The effect of leisure activity screen golf practice on the performance of players 인문,사회과학편 : 여가활동으로 스크린골프 참여가 경기력향상에 미치는 영향
박순문SunMunPark , 김도형DoHyungKim , 김명선MyoungSunKim
55(2) 477-485, 2016
The effect of leisure activity screen golf practice on the performance of players 인문,사회과학편 : 여가활동으로 스크린골프 참여가 경기력향상에 미치는 영향
박순문SunMunPark , 김도형DoHyungKim , 김명선MyoungSunKim
This study investigates the effect of leisure activity screen golf practice on the performance of players. For this purpose, we use cluster random sample method and selected 560 of screen-golf players in total who are currently playing in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas in 2014. However, for empirical analysis, we used the sample of 522 players by excluding 38 players who are short of trust. The completed survey was distributed and assembled by researchers and assistants in person. We visited the sample targets in person and conducted the statistical treatment by using SPSS Windows 18.0 Version. Our main results are as follows. First, it partially effects the presence of screen-golf participants on immersion and athletic performance. Second, the immersion of screen-golf participants has partially influence on athletic performance.
This study has a purpose to investigate middle school students`` progress analysis of leisure type and leisure satisfaction using a phase 6 material of Korea Youth Panel Survey. To achieve this, this research used the material of phase 6 material(Phase 1, 4, 6) to the same adolescents of Korea Youth Panel Survey and based on the purpose of this study, this made an analysis using statistics process method, SPSS 18.0 program. Through mentioned research methods and procedures, this study drew a conclusion as follows. First, leisure types of teenagers mostly are concentrated on relaxing activity and recreational pastime. The leisure activity of first sites(the second year course of middle school) which showed high participation frequency, presents high participation frequency in sixth sites(freshman year in college). Especially in case of sports activity shows far lower aspect of participation frequency in sixth sites than first sites. Second, Among the types of leisure activity, sightseeing activity, sports activity, and culture and art activity represent high satisfaction on leisure. However, the types of recreational pastime, relaxing activity, society and other activities relatively represent lower satisfaction on leisure. As well as, among the first, fourth, sixth sites, the fourth sites’ overall satisfaction on leisure showed the lowest. Leisure activity is an important issue that influences on leisure activity or overall satisfaction with life of adulthood. Therefore, it needs to have family, school and society’s warm encouragement, support and systematic complement for wholesome leisure activity of adolescence.
Key Words
Longitudinal study, middle school, leisure, Korea Youth Panel Survey
The Relationship between Recreation Specialization, Place Attachment, Environment Behavior and Pro-environment Activities of male mountaineering participants 인문,사회과학편 : 남성 등산참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화, 장소애착, 환경태도 및 친환경행동의 관계분석
김종순JongSoonKim , 원형중HyungJoongWon
55(2) 499-509, 2016
The Relationship between Recreation Specialization, Place Attachment, Environment Behavior and Pro-environment Activities of male mountaineering participants 인문,사회과학편 : 남성 등산참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화, 장소애착, 환경태도 및 친환경행동의 관계분석
김종순JongSoonKim , 원형중HyungJoongWon
This study aims at locating an relationship between recreation specialization, place attachment, behavior on environment and pro-environment activities in analyzing pro-environment behavior of male mountaineering participants. It selects 255 male mountaineering participants to achieve this research purpose and survey has been employed as a measurement tool. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability, correlation analysis, and regression analysis as research process methods were also introduced and confidence level of this is α=.05. The result could be summarized as follows: First, the level of recreation specialization of the male participants had positive relevance to their nature-centered environment attitude out of place attachment and environment attitude, there was, however no relationship between the level of their recreation specialization and pro-environment activities. Second, place dependence had no impact on environment attitude and pro-environment activities of respondents, Yet, place identity had a negative impact on their nature-centered environment attitude as apposed to their pro-environment activities. Finally, their nature-centered environment attitude had a negative impact on their pro-environment activity and technology-oriented environment attitude had influence on their activities of refuse disposal.
Key Words
mountaineering participant, recreation specialization, place attachment, environment attitude, pro-environment behavior
Seeking a Paradigm for Research in Korean Dance Education through an Analysis of the Journal "Research in Dance Education" 인문,사회과학편 : "Research in Dance Education" 저널의 연구동향 분석을 통한 한국 무용교육연구의 패러다임 모색
유혜숙HaeSookYoo , 이해준HaiJoonLee
55(2) 511-523, 2016
Seeking a Paradigm for Research in Korean Dance Education through an Analysis of the Journal "Research in Dance Education" 인문,사회과학편 : "Research in Dance Education" 저널의 연구동향 분석을 통한 한국 무용교육연구의 패러다임 모색
유혜숙HaeSookYoo , 이해준HaiJoonLee
The purpose of this article is to provide a new paradigm that educational circles of the Korean dance and its research in dance education seek by analyzing research trends in global dance education. This paper analyzed 179 articles published from 2000 to 2014 in the journal ``Research in Dance Education``, especially their abstracts, research methods and conclusions. Then, after the analysis, it was concluded for the direction of Korean dance education and research that: first, various and original research subjects and themes should be selected in line with the stream of the times; second, research methods including phenomenological research and study based on grounded theory should be diversified in order to strengthen a theoretical system in dance education; third, the current times call for research regarding an integrated dance education curriculum; fourth, research in dance education should include dances of various genres; and fifth, Korean researchers and scholars in dance education are called for a global academic activity by publishing their research papers in internationally prominent journals.
Key Words
Research in Dance Education, Dance, Dance Education
An analysis of muscle activity in Dancesport spiral turns 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 스파이럴 턴 동작의 근 활성도 분석
유혜숙HaeSookYoo , 최인애InAeChoi
55(2) 525-534, 2016
An analysis of muscle activity in Dancesport spiral turns 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 스파이럴 턴 동작의 근 활성도 분석
유혜숙HaeSookYoo , 최인애InAeChoi
The purpose of this study was to examine differences in kinematic parameters by conducting a comparative analysis of muscle coordination patterns depending on the level of technical skills when doing spiral turns in dacnesport. This study was to contribute to the improvement of performance through a proper motion of spiral turns including effective turn skills. For the purpose, EMG and 3D Image Analysis System were used to analyze muscle activation of spiral turns in dancesport. It was showed that RRA, LRA, RLD and LBF in the Phase 1 of muscle activation were E>I=B. It was shown not only that, in the Phase 2 of muscle activation, RRA, LRA, RLD, RES, RRF and RGA were E>I=B, but that LGA was E=I>I=B. It was showed that RRA, LRA, RLD, LLD, RES, RBF, RGA and LGA in the Phase 3 of muscle activation were E>I=B. Taken together, skilled athletes had the high level of Muscle Activity, followed by intermediate level athletes and beginners. Moreover, the skilled athletes had the high level of muscles of the upper & lower body and the intermediate level athletes had the high level of muscles of the lower body while the beginners had their low levels. This result shows that the skilled athletes had more frequency of use of muscles than the intermediate level athletes and beginners.
Key Words
muscle activation, spiral turns, dancesport, latin dance, turning motions, EMG
Effect of Korean Fork Dance on Physical, Cognitive and Immune Function of the Female Elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 한국민속춤이 여성노인의 신체, 인지 및 면역기능에 미치는 영향
이지현JiHyunLee , 김상국SangKookKim
55(2) 535-547, 2016
Effect of Korean Fork Dance on Physical, Cognitive and Immune Function of the Female Elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 한국민속춤이 여성노인의 신체, 인지 및 면역기능에 미치는 영향
이지현JiHyunLee , 김상국SangKookKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using a Korean folk dance approach on physical, cognitive and immune function of female elderly. Sixteen subjects(age 65 and over) who were the members of the Senior Welfare Center in S City participated voluntarily in this study. Participants with pretest-posttest of quasi-experimental design were randomly assigned to participate in a Korean folk dance group(experimental group) and a daily activity group(control group). The experimental group participated in the Korean folk dance program 3 times (60 minutes per session) a week for 12 weeks. Results indicated that the Korean folk dance group improved in terms of the muscular strength and flexibility of lower part, the general endurance, and the agility and dynamic coordination(p< .05). No significant differences were observed in the upper part of the muscular strength and flexibility test (p >.05). In addition, the experimental group’s cognition variables with the operation storage and rhythm activities were also significantly improved compared with the control group (p<.05). Finally, the experimental group’s immune function’s variables with growth hormone (GH) and melatonin were significantly increased (p<.05). However, in terms of immune function with DeHydroEpiAndrosterone- sulfate (DHEA-s), there was no significant difference between the pre and post tests in the both groups. In conclusion, these findings support the use of Korean folk dance as an effective means of physical activity for improving physical function as well as cognitive and immune functions partially in female elderly.
A Study on the Relationship of Participants` Program Satisfaction on Program Performance and Continuous Participation for the Sports Exchange Program between Korea and Japan 인문,사회과학편 : 한,일 생활체육교류사업에 대한 양국 참가자의 사업만족과 사업성과 및 지속참여와의 관계 연구
최희동HeeDongChoi , 정연길YunKilChung , 강현민HyunMinKang
55(2) 549-559, 2016
A Study on the Relationship of Participants` Program Satisfaction on Program Performance and Continuous Participation for the Sports Exchange Program between Korea and Japan 인문,사회과학편 : 한,일 생활체육교류사업에 대한 양국 참가자의 사업만족과 사업성과 및 지속참여와의 관계 연구
최희동HeeDongChoi , 정연길YunKilChung , 강현민HyunMinKang
The purpose of this study is to identify the participants’ perception and the effect of participants’satisfaction, program performance and continuous participation in order to suggest further goals regarding sports exchange programs. 275 participants who have experienced Korea-Japan sports exchange program have been surveyed. The collected data have been analyzed with SPSS using factorial analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, corelation analysis, multiple regression analysis. The results are as follow. First, no difference was observed between the participant groups’perception in program satisfaction towards the sport exchange program. However, the perception of program performance and continuous participation both showed differences between the participation group. Second, program operation and program support factors consisting program satisfaction have shown influences to program performance between the groups. Third, program satisfaction has shown influences to continuous participation between the groups. In conclusion, the sports exchange program can develop in to a meaningful program with government support and active deployment leading to success and expansion of the program.
Key Words
the international sports exchange program, sports for all, participants`perception, program satisfaction
The effects of endurance exercise training on the expression of AMPK catalytic α subunit and mTOR signaling pathway in skeletal muscle of middle-aged rats 자연과학편 : 지구성 운동트레이닝이 중년 흰쥐의 골격근 내 AMPK catalytic α subunit 발현과 mTOR signaling pathway에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 박솔이SolYiPark , 김기진KiJinKim
55(2) 561-569, 2016
The effects of endurance exercise training on the expression of AMPK catalytic α subunit and mTOR signaling pathway in skeletal muscle of middle-aged rats 자연과학편 : 지구성 운동트레이닝이 중년 흰쥐의 골격근 내 AMPK catalytic α subunit 발현과 mTOR signaling pathway에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 박솔이SolYiPark , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of endurance exercise training on the expression of AMPK(adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) catalytic α subunit and mTOR(mammalian target of rapamycin) signaling pathway in skeletal muscle of middle-aged rats. 50-week-old male Wistar rats and 8-week-old rats were randomly assigned into two groups: sedentary or exercise group. The exercise groups underwent a motor drive treadmill exercise(22m/min, 30min/d, 5d/week) for 4 weeks. The AMPK, phospho-AMPK, mTOR, p70S6K(p70S6Kinase) protein contents were significantly decreased and AMPKα1, 4E-BP1(Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4E-Binding Protein 1) protein contents were increased in plantaris muscle by aging. But AMPKα2 protein contents were not changed. However after 4 weeks of endurance exercise training, AMPK, AMPKα2 protein contents were significantly increased and 4E-BP1 level was decreased. The AMPKα1 protein contents were tend to decreased, but it was not significantly different after exercise training. The p70S6K protein contents also show same level after exercise training. We concluded endurance exercise training increase AMPK protein contents, especially it come from the increase of AMPKα2 protein. These molecular changes stimulate mTOR signaling pathway, but it did not show differences in the age.
Key Words
AMPK catalyticαsubunit, mTOR signaling pathway, endurance exercise training, middle-aged rat
Effect on blood vessel elasticity and blood pressure of adult males who smoke by type of exercise 자연과학편 : 운동유형이 흡연 성인남성의 혈관탄성 및 혈압에 미치는 영향
정진협JinHyupJeong , 남상남SangNamNam
55(2) 571-578, 2016
Effect on blood vessel elasticity and blood pressure of adult males who smoke by type of exercise 자연과학편 : 운동유형이 흡연 성인남성의 혈관탄성 및 혈압에 미치는 영향
정진협JinHyupJeong , 남상남SangNamNam
This study has the purpose of determining the effect which type of exercise makes on blood vessel elasticity and blood pressure of adult males in their 30s to 50s who smoke and have high riskiness of blood vessel diseases and high blood pressure and the result of study is as follows which has been obtained through exercising in two groups of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise for 12 weeks. The result shows that vascular elasticity in left hand was improved(p<.01) in both groups of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise but vascular elasticity of right hand showed a significant difference in just group of aerobic exercise(p<.01). The vascular elasticity of left foot showed a significant difference(p<.01) in just group of aerobic exercise and also the vascular elasticity of right foot showed a significant difference(p<.001) in just group of aerobic exercise. Blood pressure measurements showed that systolic blood pressure decreased after exercise in both groups but there was significant difference (p<.05) in just group of aerobic exercise whereas diastolic blood pressure decreased after exercise in both groups but there was no significant difference in both groups. This study from the above results can determine that aerobic exercise exerts more positive effect on blood vessel elasticity and blood pressure compared to resistance exercise but it seems to be necessary to approach the effect on blood vessel elasticity and blood pressure in various ways through changes in conducting resistance exercise.
Key Words
smoke, blood vessel elasticity, blood pressure
Effect of aquatic rehabilitation exercise on muscle activity of lower limb and senescence preventing hormone of old women with degenerative arthritis 자연과학편 : 수중재활운동이 노인여성 퇴행성관절염 환자의 하지 근 활성도 및 노화지연 호르몬에 미치는 영향
박희석HeeSeorkPark , 최공집GongJipChoe
55(2) 579-589, 2016
Effect of aquatic rehabilitation exercise on muscle activity of lower limb and senescence preventing hormone of old women with degenerative arthritis 자연과학편 : 수중재활운동이 노인여성 퇴행성관절염 환자의 하지 근 활성도 및 노화지연 호르몬에 미치는 영향
박희석HeeSeorkPark , 최공집GongJipChoe
A purpose of this study is to find out an effect of aquatic rehabilitation exercise on muscle activity of lower limb and senescence preventing hormone of old women with degenerative arthritis. 19 old women aged over 65 ( experimental group consisting of 9 women and control group consisting of 10 women) were given 12 week aquatic rehabilitation exercise program. Findings of this study are as follows First, there was no significant difference in activity of anterior tibial muscle and gastrocnemius between exercise group and control group while there was a significant difference in biceps femoris and vastus medialis in exercise group with before and after exercise (p<.05) and between groups(p<.01). Second, there was no significant difference in a change of estrogen and melatonin between exercise group and control group in terms of a change in senescence preventing hormone while there was significant difference in DHEA-S with before and after exercise(p<.05) and between groups(p<.01). This study found that 12 week aquatic rehabilitation exercise program using characteristics of water has a positive effect on muscle activity of lower limb and senescence preventing hormone of old women with degenerative arthritis. Findings of this study suggest that increase strength of exercise by making good use of instruments for aquatic exercise for aquatic rehabilitation exercise program and having diverse programs by carefully considering conditions of patients will lead to better result.
The Effects of Combined Treatment with Treadmill Exercise and Bright Light Exposure on Expression of antioxidant enzymes by activity of NF-E2-related factor-2 in Rat Hippocampus 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 운동과 밝은 빛 노출의 복합처치가 흰쥐 해마에서 Nrf2 활성에 의한 항산화효소 발현에 미치는 영향
55(2) 591-602, 2016
The Effects of Combined Treatment with Treadmill Exercise and Bright Light Exposure on Expression of antioxidant enzymes by activity of NF-E2-related factor-2 in Rat Hippocampus 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 운동과 밝은 빛 노출의 복합처치가 흰쥐 해마에서 Nrf2 활성에 의한 항산화효소 발현에 미치는 영향
Previous research has shown that regular aerobic exercise improves the body defense response for free radicals and positive adaptation of the antioxidant system. In this study, the protein expression of heme oxygennase-1 (HO-1) and NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) in the rats hippocampus were analyzed by western blot after activating the transcription factor NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) and the inactive-complex of Nrf2 kelch-like ECH-associated protein-1(Keap1), which regulated the gene expression of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and hemeoxygennase-1 (HO-1) by low Intensity treadmill exercise and bright light. The results showed that the expression of SOD-1, HO-1, NQO1 and Nrf2 significantly increased in the exercise and light group compared with the control group. Comprehensive analysis of the results showed that the combination treatments of exercise and light increased the expression of antioxidant enzyme SOD-1, HO-1 and NQO1 by activating the Nrf2 and protected neurons from the damage of oxidative stress in rats hippocampus.
The Study of Change in Renin-Aldosterone, Neurotransmitters, Cognitive Function and Working Memory in Middle Aged Women by Intensities Aerobic Exercise 자연과학편 : 강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 레닌-알도스테론, 신경전달물질 및 인지기능, 작업기억의 변화에 관한 연구
55(2) 603-615, 2016
The Study of Change in Renin-Aldosterone, Neurotransmitters, Cognitive Function and Working Memory in Middle Aged Women by Intensities Aerobic Exercise 자연과학편 : 강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 레닌-알도스테론, 신경전달물질 및 인지기능, 작업기억의 변화에 관한 연구
This study was conducted by performing intensities aerobic exercise for 12 weeks, three times a week targeting 28 middle aged women. The purpose of this study was analyzing factors which affect cognitive function and changes of blood pressure, renin-aldosterone system, neurotransmitter, cognitive function and working memory after treatment. The participants were divided into three groups which are the control group(n=9, non exercise), moderate intensity aerobic exercise group(n=10, 50%V02max), high intensity aerobic exercise group(n=9, 70%V02max). The two-way ANOVA(repeated measure) and multiple regression analysis were carried out to target those three groups before and after treatment. The results were as follows like this. The moderate intensity aerobic exercise increased renin, brain derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), cognitive function and working memory. Also, it reduced aldosterone, angiotensinⅡ and aldosterone-renin ratio. The high intensity aerobic exercise showed increase BDNF, cognitive function and working memory and decrease systolic. As a result of a multiple regression analysis of factors affecting cognitive function after intensities aerobic exercise, the moderate intensity aerobic exercise affected diastolic blood pressure, decrease of aldosterone-renin ratio and working memory. Also, an increase of BDNF affected cognitive function, the high intensity aerobic exercise affected working memory BDNF and an increase of serotonin affected cognitive function. Therefore, It could be seen that more than moderate intensity exercise increase woman``s cognitive function and working memory. Also, there were metabolic factors which affect the increase of cognitive function. To moderate intensity exercise, renin-aldosterone and working memory affected to increase of cognitive function. For high intensity exercise, BDNF and working memory affected to it.
Effects of Short-term weight loss on EEG activity, stress and Sports Confidence in Wrestler 자연과학편 : 단기간 체중조절이 레슬링 선수의 뇌 활성과 스트레스, 스포츠자신감에 미치는 영향
김재요JaeYoKim , 김기훈KiHoonKim
55(2) 617-627, 2016
Effects of Short-term weight loss on EEG activity, stress and Sports Confidence in Wrestler 자연과학편 : 단기간 체중조절이 레슬링 선수의 뇌 활성과 스트레스, 스포츠자신감에 미치는 영향
김재요JaeYoKim , 김기훈KiHoonKim
This study, short-term weight loss on EEG activity, stress and sports confidence in wrestler impact of is aimed. To that end, comparing the weight loss before and after a short time(1-5day) to the free will of 15 male college wrestler it was obtained the following results. First, Alpha wave after short-term weight loss of wrestlers were significantly reduced. On the other hand SMR wave, Mid-Beta wave, High-Beta wave was partially significantly increase. Second, the training stress of wrestlers after short-term weight loss has been shown to significantly increase. Third, the sport confidence of wrestlers after short-term weight loss has been shown to significantly decrease. As a result, the excessive weight loss in the short term is likely that psychological negative effects by inducing significant changes in the EEG bands associated with attention and emotional safety of the Athletes. In addition, short-term weight loss was found to be a stress results in an increase in training as well as reduction of the sport confidence.
Key Words
short-term weight loss, EEG activity, training stress, sports confidence, Wrestler
Analysis of Kinematic Characteristics according to Ball Direction and Skill Levels during the Two-handed Backhand Stroke in Tennis 자연과학편 : 숙련도와 볼의 방향에 따른 양손 백핸드 스트로크의 운동학적특성 분석
Analysis of Kinematic Characteristics according to Ball Direction and Skill Levels during the Two-handed Backhand Stroke in Tennis 자연과학편 : 숙련도와 볼의 방향에 따른 양손 백핸드 스트로크의 운동학적특성 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze of kinematic characteristic on the upper extremities and trunk and pelvic segment according to the ball direction and the player’s skill level during the two-handed backhand stroke in tennis. The subjects consisted of 5 female tennis players of a company team (age: 21.6 ± 1.1 years, height: 163.8 ± 7.3 cm, weight: 60.7 ± 5.0 kg, career: 10.4 ± 1.1 years) and 5 middle-school players (age: 15.2 ± .5 years, height: 162.3 ± 10.5 cm, weight: 52.3 ± 10.9 kg, career: 4.9 ± 1.1 years). All data were averaged and analyzed 5 successful trials both straight and cross direction, respectively. In conclusion, the variables that can be used to distinguish between skill levels are the radial deviation angle of right wrist, the flexion angle of right shoulder, the hyperextension and external rotation angles of left shoulder, the maximum angular velocity of pelvis segment in the posterior tilt and upward oblique directions, and the maximum linear velocity of racket head at impact. Additionally, the variables that can be used to distinguish between straight and cross-court shots are the external rotation angle of left shoulder, the maximum angular velocity of pelvis segment in external rotation, the peak linear velocity of racket head at impact, and between trunk and pelvis angle. As results of correlation, the factors that were determined to affect racket head speed in the cross directions revealed the kinematic movement of right wrist, further, them in the straight directions showed the kinematic movement of right wrist and the left shoulder joint.
Biomechanical Analysis of Elderly Fall Related Risk Factors using Downhill Walking on Treadmill 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 내리막 보행을 이용한 노인 낙상관련 위험요인의 운동역학적 분석
우정현JeongHyunWoo , 박상균SangKyoonPark
55(2) 643-655, 2016
Biomechanical Analysis of Elderly Fall Related Risk Factors using Downhill Walking on Treadmill 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 내리막 보행을 이용한 노인 낙상관련 위험요인의 운동역학적 분석
우정현JeongHyunWoo , 박상균SangKyoonPark
The purpose of this study was to investigate biomechanical differences between young and old adults during downhill walking on a treadmill in order to understand the mechanisms of elderly falls. Eighteen healthy young females(YG: yrs: 21.17±1.5) and eighteen healthy old females(OG: yrs: 66.67±1.33) participated in this study. They were asked to walk at their preferred speed on a treadmill at level, 7.5˚ and 15˚ decline. OG walked more wobbly in the medial and lateral directions than YG(p<.05). As slope got steeper, OG had smaller ROM(range of motion) of ankle and knee joints compared with YG. However, there was no difference in ROM of the hip between OG and YG, but maximum extension angle of OG was smaller compared with YG(p<.05). Smaller extensor moment was generated on OG during downhill walking(p<.05). It was hypothesized that more risk factors would be found on older people compared to young people during downhill. However, older people actually walks with a safer strategy compared to young people during downhill. Finally, current findings about biomechanical characteristics of elderly walking would provide useful fundamental information for a follow-up study regarding the prevention of elderly fall during their daily life.
The Impact of Participation in Sports for All on Independent Living and Social Physique Anxiety in People with Physical Disabilities 자연과학편 : 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여도가 자립생활도 및 사회적 체형불안에 미치는 영향
The Impact of Participation in Sports for All on Independent Living and Social Physique Anxiety in People with Physical Disabilities 자연과학편 : 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여도가 자립생활도 및 사회적 체형불안에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of participation in sports for all on independent living and social physique anxiety in people with physical disabilities. Participants were 311 individuals with physical disabilities who participated in local sports competition and sports for all in B-city, U-city, and K-province. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 in this study. Several data analyses were used: frequency analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, and simple regression analysis. The results were as follows. First, participation in sports for all positively influenced social independence, psychological independence, physical independence, and overall independence in individuals with physical disabilities. Second, participation had a negative effect on social physique anxiety. Third, physical independence and overall independence showed a negative effect on social physique anxiety, whereas, social independence and psychological independence showed a no effect on social physique anxiety.
Key Words
people with physical disabilities, sports for all, independent living, social physique anxiety
The Effects of the Exercise Participation of the Persons with Spinal Cord Injury on the Activities of Daily Living and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 자연과학편 : 척수장애인의 운동 참여가 일상생활수행능력과 수단적 일상생활 수행능력에 미치는 영향
김춘종ChunJongKim , 구교만KyoManKoo
55(2) 669-676, 2016
The Effects of the Exercise Participation of the Persons with Spinal Cord Injury on the Activities of Daily Living and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 자연과학편 : 척수장애인의 운동 참여가 일상생활수행능력과 수단적 일상생활 수행능력에 미치는 영향
김춘종ChunJongKim , 구교만KyoManKoo
The purpose of this research was to analyze the effects of the exercise participation of the persons with spinal cord injury on the activities of daily living and the instrumental activities of daily living and to provide basic data for the promotion of the independent living of the persons with spinal cord injury. To achieve this purpose, the raw data of the 2014 Study on National Survey of the Disabled Person were utilized. The research participants were 165 persons who were registered as the disabled and were diagnosed with spinal cord injuries. For the analysis of the data, the independent t-test and the multiple regression analysis were conducted using SPSS 20.0 with the statistical significance level set at a=.05. The results of the research were as follows. First, it was found that the activities of daily living and the instrumental activities of daily living of the persons with spinal cord injury who participated in exercises were high. Second, the frequency of exercise participation of the persons with spinal cord injury had positive effects on the activities of daily living. Third, the frequency of exercise participation of the persons with spinal cord injury had positive effects on the instrumental activities of daily living. Accordingly, to enhance the independent life of the persons with spinal cord injury, it was necessary for them to raise the frequency of their exercise participation.
Key Words
spinal cord injury, exercise participation, ADL, IADL, 2014 Study on National Survey of the Disabled Person
A Study on the Solutions for teaching difficult toward students with Intellectual disabilities in inclusive physical education of physical educator in johari`s window 자연과학편 : 조하리의 창(johari`s window)에 나타난 통합체육 내 체육교사의 지적장애학생 지도 어려움 해결방안에 대한 연구
55(2) 677-688, 2016
A Study on the Solutions for teaching difficult toward students with Intellectual disabilities in inclusive physical education of physical educator in johari`s window 자연과학편 : 조하리의 창(johari`s window)에 나타난 통합체육 내 체육교사의 지적장애학생 지도 어려움 해결방안에 대한 연구
This study aims to provide base data to solve the difficulties, shown in Johari``s Window, of P.E. teachers who teach students with intellectual disabilities within inclusive physical education. To correspond to the research goal, through purposive sampling, 6 P.E. teachers, who belonged to the education office of P city, G province and were implementing inclusive physical education, were selected as research informers, and interview and observation were conducted. For data analysis, this study used the Johari Window that was used in Jooyoung Kim(2012)’s study that conceptualized the modified Johari``s Window from the original Johari``s Window of Luft(1961), and structuralized the types of difficulties in teaching students with intellectual disability. The result is as follows. First, P.E. teachers teaching students with intellectual disability within inclusive physical education, teachers from classes based on their experience and in cooperation with colleagues(P.E. teachers, consulting teachers, special education teachers). Second, teachers were having fun while actually teaching classes and were making constant efforts and strengthening their competence.
Key Words
johari`s window, inclusive physical education, students with Intellectual disabilities, teaching difficult
Evidence Based Aquatic Programs for Students with Disabilities: Systematic Literature Review 자연과학편 : 장애학생을 위한 근거 기반 수중운동: 체계적 문헌고찰
김재화JaeHwaKim , 윤석민SeokMinYun
55(2) 689-700, 2016
Evidence Based Aquatic Programs for Students with Disabilities: Systematic Literature Review 자연과학편 : 장애학생을 위한 근거 기반 수중운동: 체계적 문헌고찰
김재화JaeHwaKim , 윤석민SeokMinYun
The purposes of this study were to a) conduct a systematic literature review of studies examining the effects of aquatic programs on the health related physical fitness in school-aged children with disabilities and b) make recommendations related to the training principle (i.e., volume, intensity, frequency, type) based on the findings. Databases (i.e., KISS & RISS were used for literature search with predefined keywords (e.g., aquatic & disability). A total of 807 potential studies were identified and 16 studies were finally selected for the data abstraction. Based on the results, an aquatic program was determined to be evidence based and had positive effects on health related physical fitness of children with disabilities. The followings should be considered when planning and implementing an aquatic program. First, the types of a disability that positively responded to aquatic programs were an intellectual disability and cerebral palsy. Second, the types of an effective aquatic program were swimming and aquatic exercise. Third, the intensity were 40-70% HRmax and RPE 12-16 which indicated a moderate level. Fourth, the duration, frequency, and volume were 12 weeks, 3 days/wk, and 60 min/day, respectively. Fifth, the benefits of the intervention were increased balance, increased muscle strength/endurance, increased flexibility, and increased cardiovascular endurance.
Key Words
systematic literature review, aquatic program, swimming, children with disabilities, health related physical fitness
The Effect of Probiotics Intake and Intermitteat Exercise during 8-Week on Immunoglobulin and Inflammatory Markers in Elderly Women 자연과학편 : 프로바이오틱스 섭취와 간헐적 운동이 노인여성의 면역글로불린 및 염증지표에 미치는 영향
송신영SinYoungSong , 조홍관HongKwanCho , 권기욱KiWookKwon
55(2) 701-712, 2016
The Effect of Probiotics Intake and Intermitteat Exercise during 8-Week on Immunoglobulin and Inflammatory Markers in Elderly Women 자연과학편 : 프로바이오틱스 섭취와 간헐적 운동이 노인여성의 면역글로불린 및 염증지표에 미치는 영향
송신영SinYoungSong , 조홍관HongKwanCho , 권기욱KiWookKwon
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of 8-week probiotics intake and the intermittent exercise program on immunoglobulin and inflammatory markers in elderly women. To attain the goal, 24 elderly women were divided into a probiotics intake and intermittent exercise group (6), a probiotics intake group (6), an intermittent exercise group (6), and a control group (6). The main results of this study are presented below: First, about immunoglobulin, IgG, IgA, and IgM did not show reciprocal action among the groups and by time. But IgG indicated significant difference in within-subject effects verification, and IgA significant difference in within-subject effects and between-subject effects. Only in the probiotics group, mean values were not found to be significant, but they were increased slightly and showed positive effects. Second, about inflammatory markers, IL-6 and CRP did not show reciprocal action among groups and by time. But the probiotics intake and intermittent exercise group and probiotics group did not show significant IL-6 and CRP indexes, but they were reduced slightly so found to indicate positive effects.